Thursday, February 26, 2015

3, 2, 1..... BLAST OFF

Evening! You are among the most recent graduates of the FILA Astronaut program. You have shown your skills and knowledge in Astronomy and even proved to be able to handle all tasks at hand. I here by declare you are ready for the next phase of your Space Adventures. 

Today your Astronaut testing consisted of handling a MIND blowing blast off via the screen. While watching this Spaceship blast off, didn't you want to just be there to experience it. Do not forget to put the Kennedy Space Station down as a MUST see for you family adventures. 

Next you prepared your very own Astronaut food. And what is better than preparing PUDDING! You all seemed to enjoy it and sucked the bag free. Pretty crazy to think everything they eat or drink up there is already sealed AIR tight in a bag. I could only imagine, however you all succeeded in passing the food challenge!

After making our meal, you created your very own 2 Solo Cup FILA rockets. Great job cutting out your rocket and then prepping the space blasting engine. Your patience and hard work paid off when we did our launch as the FILA Commons Table. I was so happy to see you all fly high and take so much pride in your special rocket. 

You have now all completed the class and your reward is to join us at the Pierce College Science Dome in April to get more of a hands on experience in Space. I am looking forward to it but will miss you all. 


You all are out of this world, thank you for letting me train you! ;)

Teacher Amber

Tuesday, February 17, 2015

Freezing COLD...

Did you all enjoy your Valentine's Day? Was it out of this world?...

We discussed more on Neptune and Uranus this week! The one thing we did was a little bit of an experiment! With Neptune raining "diamonds" and Uranus being another FREEZING cold planet, we decided to see how long we could withstand the "cold".

I brought in some buckets with Ice and water! We tried the cold water before adding ice. Most kids enjoyed this water play. :) Nothing that didn't spark an immediate reaction. Then we added ICE! And let the ice sit in the water for a few minutes. Then we put our opposite hands in to see just how much colder this really was! FREEZING!!! (Nothing near Neptune or Uranus but the picture was painted.) We had some troopers try to stick it out, but no worries, all limbs were removed before they could get frost bit! :)

We only have 2 more classes left before we switch with Games! I am excited for what we have in store for you next week. Do not forget to bring in your metal hangers as we go over all our review.

See you Thursday!
Teacher Amber

Friday, February 6, 2015


Hello Young Astronomers,
Who had fun creating their very own Jupiter out of different types of beans? I think you all did a great job. I am super excited to a do a science experiment next week and talk about our very cold planets! We did touch on Neptune a bit (who wouldn't want to catch some of those diamonds during the rain?) but we will also add Uranus into the mix.

Be Prepared, it might just get really cold! :)

Thank you,
Teacher Amber

PS: Each kid will need a wire hanger for class the following week. But if they bring it in this week I will hold it for them! :)

Monday, February 2, 2015

Good Evening Astronomers,
What a class full of information. We got to learn about Earth's Moon's and most of her phases. We not only had a Moon light to help guide us but Teacher Shannon showed us why the moons phases happen with the wall, her flashlight and a piece of paper! We got to play with some moon dough, and then enjoy a snack. Wasn't it fun and yummy to see how Oreos look so much like our moon! 

Have you gotten a chance to look at the moon? What phase was it at? I can not wait until we can talk about it on Thursday before we look into some more planets. If you haven't had a chance to look up at Earth's moon, try to catch it before Thursday so you can tell us what you see.

Can't wait to see you Thursday. 
Teacher Amber